FAMILY CENTER TRUDERING: Our center is open for everyone!

Being human is an adventure! It doesn't matter in which situation or phase of life you are in. We would like to experience this adventure with you!

In our center you will find:

  • A meeting place with many offers for people of different generations and of all nations
  • The possibility to engage honoray in different projects for grown and young people
  • Children's supervising in our Kinderhaus -die kleinen Strolche- for children of 3 months and older


We stand for diversity  -  we see you as an enrichment for human life!
It doesn't matter where you are from, which skin color you have, if you have a handicap, which gender you are or which religion you belong to - we are looking forward to your visit. Even age and social descent won't make any difference. Almost every room in our house is barrierless. There is an elevator and a restroom for handicapped.
And if you are interested in our offers although you have difficulties paying the fees for our classes, then please contact us and we will find a way.

Our center is open for the whole family

Our thematic structures are

Family center (the domain family and children)




generations encounters (the domain senior citizens)

Where as both domains absolutely have tangebility


The Family Center

The family center is a place where families with children can meet.
Here you can look through our leaflets and find different offers that fit to your life 's situation at the moment.
Here you also have the possibility to meet others - who live in your neighborhood - and to exchange experiences. Our specialists will be happy to give suggestions, tips and information about subjects like becomming parents, being parents and upbringing.
Our offers are made for the whole family, mother-father-children and grandparents. 
We offer you
  • Contacts to other women during pregnancy, families and children
  • Accompaniment for subjects considering birth
  • Interchange about questions considering upbringing and life plans
  • Suggestions about games for and playing with babies and small children
  • Support for children exercising and enjoying music
  • Regular groups and/or open meetings or groups.
  • Supervisement for children of 2 years and older
  • Leaders educated in pedagogy with kindness.
  • Group leaders with a specialist's qualification
  • Assistance when in difficult life situations


Find all offers under the keyword   "Angebote für Familien" (offers for familys)



Participation regardless of income
for everyone

Are your financial means limited?

Do you have little money at your disposal?

Do you find it difficult to bear the costs of one of our offers alone?

We have a budget to help you with the costs.

We will be happy to advise you on free offers.

     Get in touch with us!


                                                                             Contakt: E-Mail: or 089 – 4524207-0

The generations encounter

We belive that the grandparent generation is a part of the family.
We enjoy seeing elderly and young people meeting and learning from eachother: the young learn about the life experience of the seniors and the older ones about ideas and impulses of the young. We live this togetherness!
You can find these offers here:
  • Breakfast and lunch in the company of others
  • Meet acquaintances in a pleasent atmosphere
  • Regular meetings with people of similar opinions and thoughts
  • Do your health some good - stay in motion
  • Learn and continue to learn about computers and internet
  • Attend different art and culture events
  • Inform yourself about getting older in Trudering
  • Participate in the "Die Zeit Tauscher" (the time exchangers) - an initiative for seniors helpining eachother
  • Reserve rooms for birthday celebrations (only on workdays)
  • If in need getting aid and help
  • Start your own initiative
Find all offers under the keyword   "Angebote für Erwachsene" (offers for adults)
Do you need help? You can find offers hier
Would you like to have breakfast or lunch? Then look for  "Dompfaff" 
Of course you can engage in our center. We look forward to any kind of "honorary support"


Das Familienzentrum ist offen für alle Menschen

Dompfaffweg 10  

81827 München

T 089/4524 207-0

Familienzentrum Trudering



IBAN: DE78 3702 0500 0007 8146 00




 IBAN: DE51 3702 0500 0007 8146 01

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